Our top 5 Japanese action movies

1. Battle Royale

The title and plot of this movie already makes the movie seem exciting. If the title of the movie doesn’t already give it away, the movie is about a battle royale. 42 9th graders are sent to a deserted island and are given weapons and food. Each student has a collar around their neck and if they break a rule, the collar will explode. They are supposed to kill each other and the last one standing is allowed to leave the island. There must be one survivor or they will all die. Basically the Japanese version of hunger games; if you enjoyed hunger games, this may be the movie for you. Intense and action packed movie!


IMDb – 7.7/10

Rotten Tomatoes – 87%

Our Rating: 9/10


2. Assassins

This 2010 movie is a remake of the original film that was created in 1963. What makes this film more interesting is that it dates back to historic events of the Edo era. If you love intense action movies, this is definitely the movie for you since it has one of the best final battles. You will definitely not be disappointed.


IMDb- 7.6/10

Rotten Tomatoes- 95%

Our rating – 8.5/10


3. Seven Samurai

An original film that debuted in 1954. This is one of the movies that we would consider ahead of its time. The camera setups and editing was great for the time the film was created. As the title mentions, there are 7 samurais that must protect the village from bandits. The samurais are outnumbered by the bandits, but they must do whatever it takes to protect the village.


IMBd: 8.7/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 100%

Our Rating: 9/10


4. Akira

This film is a classic Japanese animated movie from 1988. To switch it up we added animated films to the list and Akira has to be the top one on our list for action animes. This film might not be for everyone due to the sci-fi nature of the film. It’s definitely worth checking out even though it may not be your cup of tea. 31 years later, this film is still considered a masterpiece to a lot of movie fans.


IMBd: 8.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes – 88%

Our rating: 8/10


5. Cowboy Bepop: The Movie

This movie is based off the animated series from 1998. Another Japanese animated film in our list. Plot takes place in the future 2071 where bounty hunters also known as cowboys chase criminals and bring them in for a reward. The main character and his crew and takes on bounty hunter jobs for a living. Another cool factor of the movie is that they work of their spaceship! Even though this is an animated film, don’t let that fool you. This movie is rated R, so there’s a lot of action and bloody violence.


IMDb – 7.9/10

Rotten Tomatoes – 65%

Our Rating – 8/10



  1. That is real interesting blog

  2. These are good movies.

  3. I must see these movies.

  4. I haven't seen much Japanese movies yet.

  5. Interesting movie

  6. It really opened my eyes.

  7. I find French movies much more fascinating than Japanese ones.

  8. These are good movies.

  9. I like a film to be uplifting.

  10. I enjoyed these movies immensely.

  11. This is a thrilling film, and I like it.

  12. In the movie in Japan has concentrated on the dying for: beauty of things and cruel destroy beauty and romantic fallen beauty, death ceremony beauty.

  13. I like to watch films, enjoy music and watch Japanese Cartoons.

  14. This is one example of the ambiguity or 'flexibility' of role-assignments which are quite commonly accepted in the Japanese filming industry.

  15. I usually prefer Japanese movies because I can understand Japanese more than chinese. I speak a little Japanese.

  16. As an important part of Japanese culture, Japanese films inevitably embodied the aesthetic consciousness.

  17. And Japanese films are known for their aesthetic—they have their own way of dealing with a film’s tempo and the color is more ­mellow.

  18. The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim


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